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Higginbotham and WhitneySmith Company Form Partnership

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FORT WORTH, Texas (Feb. 15, 2022) — WhitneySmith Company, a provider of HR advisory services, has joined Higginbotham, an insurance, financial and HR services firm ranked as the 20th largest independent broker in the U.S. The two Fort Worth, Texas-based firms, which have partnered to provide HR services to Higginbotham’s employer clients for 30 years, have now formally combined forces. WhitneySmith Company will expand the service capacity of Higginbotham’s HR Services division while giving WhitneySmith Company the ability to offer insurance services to its clients.

Higginbotham is strategically growing to expand its footprint and increase its service capability by partnering with other firms that have strong reputations in their local markets, a desire to keep growing by tapping into Higginbotham’s single source solution and a cultural match.

“We have a long relationship with WhitneySmith Company that helped demonstrate the power of collaboration with like-minded firms early in our journey to developing an all-encompassing solution for managing risk,” said Higginbotham Chairman and CEO Rusty Reid. “Our clients were asking for HR services, which spurred the partnership with WhitneySmith Company in 1991. Having them formally join us today will spell success because they’re already part of our team and know how to solve the pain points of our clients.”

WhitneySmith Company founder and President Whit Smith said, “Our firms have extremely strong positive reputations across the Metroplex, and we have similar cultures and a shared work ethic. There is a compatibility between the Higginbotham and WhitneySmith teams that provides an opportunity to expand our services and client base.”

Higginbotham named Smith a managing director, and he with co-founder Gretchen Smith will continue overseeing WhitneySmith Company’s existing 10-person team in Fort Worth.

About WhitneySmith Company
WhitneySmith Company opened in 1989 and offers a full line of tactical human resources advisory services to fit an organization’s every need. Through either a one-time project or a long-term collaborative partnership, the firm is dedicated to helping clients establish practices and policies, manage human resources issues and mitigate risk through cost effective and thoughtful solutions. The firm’s commitment to client satisfaction has established its reputation as a leading provider of human resources consulting services in Fort Worth, Texas. Visit for more information.

About Higginbotham
Employee owned and customer inspired, Higginbotham is a single source solution for insurance, financial and HR services. The firm was established in 1948 in Fort Worth, Texas, and ranks by revenue as the nation’s 20th largest independent insurance firm. Serving thousands of businesses and individuals through locations across 13 states, Higginbotham’s approach to finding insurance, employee benefit and risk management solutions is more individual and less institutional. By understanding customer priorities, eliminating inefficiencies and committing to transparency, Higginbotham is a place that leads with values so value leads. Visit for more information.

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