Medicare Part D Creditable Coverage – Changes Coming in 2025
Medicare Part D Coverage Changes in 2025 NOTE: For employer-sponsored prescription drug coverage, creditable status determinations must be made upon plan renewal. For example, for an August – July plan year, creditable status based on the 2025 Medicare Part D changes must be determined for the plan that goes into effect in August 2025. Creditable status for the August 2024 – July 2025 plan year is tied to the 2024 Medicare Part D plan design. Additionally, loss of creditable coverage mid-year allows a mid-year Special Enrollment in Medicare outside of the normal October 15 – December 7 Open Enrollment Period. If the creditable status of an employer’s prescription drug coverage will change for the 2025 plan year, employers may want to communicate and educate in addition to what is set forth in CMS’s model notices discussed below (e.g., perhaps a cover letter explaining who should care (Medicare Part D eligible individuals) and why creditable status matters). Higginbotham will be creating employee-facing communication pieces that will be available prior to Medicare Open Enrollment. Additionally, there are many groups pushing for CMS to delay this provision for an additional year, and we will notify you immediately should this happen. |
Determining Whether an Employer’s Prescription Drug Coverage Is Creditable Often, an insurance carrier or third-party administrator (TPA) will provide information to a plan sponsor detailing whether a plan’s drug coverage is creditable. Most major carriers have confirmed that they will have creditable coverage tools available no later than mid-September 2024 (for example, United Healthcare has already provided theirs here.) If a plan sponsor does not receive this information from the carrier or TPA, the plan sponsor (e.g., the employer) is responsible for making the determination, or for hiring an actuary to help with the determination. Employers participating in the Retiree Drug Subsidy (RDS) program must use the actuarial determination method. This requires an attestation by a qualified actuary using generally accepted actuarial principles in accordance with CMS actuarial guidelines. However, if a plan sponsor is not applying for the subsidy available to sponsors of a qualified retiree prescription drug plan, the sponsor may be able to use a “simplified method” for determining whether the prescription drug coverage is creditable. If a plan does not meet the criteria under the simplified determination method, that does not automatically mean the plan is not creditable; but in that case, the plan must obtain an actuarial determination of whether the actuarial value of the coverage equals or exceeds the actuarial value of standard prescription drug coverage under Medicare Part D. See more information on the simplified method here. |
Timing of the DisclosureThe notice is required to be provided to Medicare Part D eligible individuals at the following times:
Employer Takeaway Finally, employers that offer prescription drug coverage must disclose to all Medicare Part D eligible individuals and to CMS whether the prescription drug coverage is creditable. The main purposes of this requirement is to inform those that are Medicare eligible about possible higher Part D premiums for not enrolling when first eligible, unless they have creditable coverage from another source – such as their employer’s group plan. This is particularly important for groups that only offer an HDHP, which will most likely not be able to meet the definition of creditable coverage for 2025.
To reiterate, if employees drop their employer-sponsored coverage in favor of enrolling only in Medicare, the employee will need to enroll in both Medicare Parts A & B along with either Parts D (and a Medicare Supplement, if desired) or a Medicare Advantage plan. Please see our Medicare Enrollment Cheat Sheet and be on the lookout for additional employee-facing materials as we get closer to Open Enrollment. Additionally, we will host a brief webinar (which will be recorded and made available later) on Monday, August 12 at 10 a.m. CST (Register Here) to answer any questions you may have. Finally, please reach out to your Higginbotham representative if you need assistance with determining the credibility of your particular plans or if your Medicare-eligible employees/dependents need assistance navigating Medicare enrollment. |